
Thank you for visiting my bakery! Cailin’s Little Bakery is a cottage law bakery in Chicago, Illinois. This means that I follow state laws and regulations from my home.
French macarons (mak-a-rohn or /mÉ‘kÉ™rÉ’n/ for the SLP’s) are a meringue-based sandwich cookie that can be filled with all types of flavored buttercreams, jams, and ganaches. These little cookies require a lot of time, patience, and practice in order to perfect them. Macarons make wonderful gifts, are the perfect afternoon treat and my absolute favorite is with a morning cup of coffee. Yum!
Macarons are gluten-free unless specified otherwise. They contain almond flour, eggs and may have dairy.
​Halloween Boxes are currently for sale!
Pick up dates:
-Saturday, October 26th from 9-11 AM (Jefferson Park, Chicago)
-Monday, October 28th from 5-8 PM (Jefferson Park, Chicago)
-Wednesday, October 30th from 5-8 PM (Jefferson Park, Chicago)